CSS Tutorials

Header (Not Background) Image Repeats in Body only on Smart … – SitePoint

Hello, I’m hoping some of you good folks can help me out. I have worked on this for hours, read help replies, watched videos, I have tried–to no avail.

On Smartphones my Header Image is repeating down in the body (see example). Of note, on my and friends PCs and Laptops (Windows 10 and 11 with different Browser it works as it should)

My site is…….

Hello, I’m hoping some of you good folks can help me out. I have worked on this for hours, read help replies, watched videos, I have tried–to no avail.

On Smartphones my Header Image is repeating down in the body (see example). Of note, on my and friends PCs and Laptops (Windows 10 and 11 with different Browser it works as it should)

My site is hosted on a server (at godaddy) having issues right now with bad redirects, so I attached a picture of what it looks like.

Since I’m a new member, this system (or I can’t figure it won’t let me put the html and css code below).

Please help! Guide me! Thank you. Monty_W


December 22, 2022, 4:31pm


On Smartphones my Header Image is repeating down in the body (see example).

I assume you have used background-repeat:no-repeat on the background image?

I’m guessing you have tried that so we’ll really have to wait until you post a link or code that exhibits the problem.

Thanks Paul for replying. I’ve tried all the normal no repeated things I can think of. The background image isn’t the issue. It’s the Header image. The website, assuming godaddy has the issues resolved is I be home in a half hour. What files do you want me to post? Again, thank you for reaching out. Monty


December 22, 2022, 5:33pm

The site is still down i’n afraid. I’ll take a look later this evening as I have to go out now.

We probably can’t resolve this until we see the real page anyway.

I’m trying to put the code in. Keep getting this message: Multiple errors occurred: 1) Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post. 2) Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post. I’ll take a screenshot of the site.dwt and index.htm files and reply twice.

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December 22, 2022, 11:48pm


has the issues resolved is

I can see the site now and just checked on my iphone and it doesn’t look like your image. It looks exactly like its shown in devtools device toolbar. have you cleared your cache?

Why are you repeating a white image down the page?

Paul, I cleared my cache like 10 times before I wrote this. I called my neighbor (iPhone) he screen shot it and sent it to me. Same image. I’m at a loss over this. Still shows my issue. Galaxy S21. I’m going to call others with ‘droids. Why (the background) image? I figure no matter what device it should be white everywhere. I guess I could make the background white (FFFFFF). Any recommendations I would appreciate. Thanks for helping. I’ll update. Monty

Paul, he had the same image as yours, no issues.

Paul, I reloaded google. It looks like, it should be, I wrote it. Sorry I wasted your time. I have no clue why after clearing cache so many times it keep showing up like that. Thank you. Monty

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December 23, 2022, 8:33am


t. Sorry I wasted your time.

No worries. Glad it’s sorted.
